[PHOTO CREDIT: Lake County Sheriff’s Office]
[Original Publish Date: 12/11/19]
(Have news tips for LLN?… 352Tips@gmail.com.)
TAVARES, Florida – Registered Florida sexual predator Arthur Lee Felton, 56, was jailed on Tuesday for allegedly violating the terms of his conditional release from prison. Felton is said to have a “designated home location in the woods near 20344 US-27” in Clermont, according to an arrest affidavit filed in his case. Due to his homeless status, Felton had been instructed by his release supervisor to be ‘home’ in the woods at 7:00 p.m. on December 6, but failed to appear as required. The affidavit states this caused Felton to be out of compliance with a curfew, “as evidenced by GPS Tracking Points that show the offender did not report to his [wooded] home location the entire weekend.”
Lake County court records show that this is not the first time Felton has run afoul of his statutory sexual predator restrictions. After being released from prison following a 12 year sentence on a child-related molestation charge, Felton was re-sentenced to prison in 2016 for failure to comply with his sexual predator reporting requirements; he received a sentenced amounting to just under six and a half years in prison, and thereafter was conditionally released from prison early.

James Hope is a Florida Bar Board Certified Criminal Trial Lawyer who has been practicing criminal law in Tavares, Florida, since 1987. He has also been the Publisher and Executive Editor of Lake Legal News since 2009. He may be contacted at LakeLegalNews@gmail.com, or through his website at www.AttorneyJamesHope.com. [PHOTO CREDIT: Bonnie Whicher]