[PHOTO CREDIT: Eustis Police Department]
[Original Publish Date: 10/21/20]
EUSTIS, Florida — Have you ever dreamed of dunking a cop? Head on out to the City of Eustis’ annual Fall Festival Saturday and you will have your chance to dunk a familiar face and help the fight against breast cancer.
Eustis Police Department’s Community Relations Officer J. Allred will be in the wet seat from 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday at Ferran Park and participants will have the opportunity to purchase three balls for $1 and try their luck at sending Allred straight into the water. Successful dunkers will receive a glazed donut from Dunkin Donuts.
Along with the dunk tank, EPD will have a tent and information table set up for festivalgoers and breast cancer awareness t-shirts will also be available for purchase for $20. Proceeds from the dunk tank will be donated to the Waterman Mammogram Foundation, Allred told Lake Legal News.
EPD supports breast cancer awareness in several ways; if you have driven by EPD at night this month, you may have noticed the lights outside the building have been changed from white to pink, in addition to the sale of the t-shirts. Breast cancer is personal to a lot of people, including Allred.
“Early detection is important. We all know someone or are related to someone who has this or has died from this awful disease,” Allred said. “I’ve lost an aunt to breast cancer, and I know how it affected me.”

Our Editor-in-Chief, Marilyn M. Aciego, began writing for Lake Legal News in 2010. Born and raised in Lake County, she is a graduate of Umatilla High School and Lake-Sumter State College. She started her journalism career at LSSC, where she was editor of both student publications, The Angler and The Odyssey. Her professional career began at the Daily Commercial in 2004 where she covered cops and courts the majority of her time there until she left in 2009. Currently, along with being Editor-in-Chief of Lake Legal News, she is the Florida bureau chief for an international media organization. She has made more than two dozen appearances on live national television, including Nancy Grace and the Greta Van Susteren show, along with her appearance on Evil Twins. Contact her with breaking news, tips, and feedback by sending an e-mail to 352Tips@gmail.com. You can also contact us on our Facebook page — and make sure you “Like” and “Follow us” there. [PHOTO CREDIT: Bonnie Whicher]